April 18, 2010

A tummy, time out, and treats!

We had a FUN weekend! We went to Kansas City to see our fun friends, Jared and Mandy, and their PRECIOUS girls, London (4), Cadence (3), and Rilo (1). They are too much fun!! It's always nice to be around friends that you can just be so silly and laugh until your belly hurts. We have some FUNNY stories from the weekend, for sure! Love you guys!

We finally bought something for our little sweetie pie this weekend! Is it sad that the first thing we bought it has to do with discipline? This little white patent leather chair will serve as our "Time-Out" chair. It is TOOOO cute! You can't really tell how little it is here, but it stands about 36" tall. If our little one loves this chair as much as I do, we may have to re-think the "time-out" plan.

Now THIS is a big deal! I guess this is considered our second baby purchase. If you saw my first "Heart Day" post, you know that I want an old vintage pram stroller so badly! However, they are SUPER expensive, so I knew I wouldn't be able to have one. Not to mention how unpractical they are! They are MASSIVE and you can't really fold them up and put them in the back of your car to go to the park. BUT, they are gorgeous, so dream I did. Until my dream came true on Saturday! My sister-in-law found this original Marmet pram, made in England, at a garage sale in Nashville! These prams range from $600 to $1000 on EBay right now! It was owned by an Olympic swimmer from England, and made its way to the states, and now into my arms! I can't WAIT to push our little one around in this! Our baby is ALREADY stylin'!!!!

And last, but certainly not least, the tummy pic. Oh boy, this sucker is growing at a RAPID rate! My doctor DID tell me a couple weeks ago to expect to double in size over the next few weeks, and I am WELL on my way! It's fun though! I love pregnant bellies, and mine is no exception. Last Thursday we got to go have another ultrasound because we have a friend who is an ultrasound tech at the hospital. We watched our sweetie for 45 minutes! It was moving all around, sitting Indian style, sucking its little thumb. At one point it even took its thumb out of its mouth and gave us a thumbs up! : ) I was measuring about a week ahead, so I fully expect my due date to change at our official doctor's appointment on the 29th. I am now feeling movement quite often. It is THE neatest feeling in the world! Every time I feel it, it still makes me sit straight up with my eyes wide open. I hope I never get used to it. We are in love with you, baby Maciuk! You are already the apple of our eyes!

1 comment:

  1. Well since I stalk your blog I thought I would comment...ha. Like you I love pregnant bellies and you look beautiful. That stroller is to die for and that time out chair...well I think you may have to use that for something he or she can use all the time. I LOVE IT. I have two of my own and this little guy/girl is going to rock your world : )
