March 27, 2009

Ode to Milt!

Today I get to celebrate another friend! Another friend in the group of girls I mentioned in my previous post. Elizabeth Vaught, often, and more preferably known as "Milton" (her maiden name), pretty much rocks my face off. At least she makes me laugh until I feel like my face is going to fall off. She is the friend that gives you the sore cheeks from laughing so hard. She can dance with the best of 'em...she's super creative and always makes great gifts...she's so thoughtful...she's so ghetto, but so wallflower all at the same time (how does one even accomplish that?)...I could go on for days!

But most importantly, and what Milt has poured into my life, is loads of wisdom and truth. She is a wise sage at a very youthful age, and she is so Proverbs 31 to the point that I'm jealous! She loves Jesus and it shows by the way she lives her life as a true friend, a loving mother, and an awesome wife (I think Christian would second that!). Instead of a WWJD bracelet, I want a WWMD bracelet for "What Would Milt Do?" ; )

Milt, I've learned so much from you in the time we have
been friends, and you are one of my very best friends...near and dear to the heart. Thank you for loving me (always!), for sharing your heart with me, and for being the amazing you that you are! So tonight, we shall go fill our bellies with pizza and shake our booties to some 80's at Boom Kinetic in YOUR honor, celebrating YOU, friend! Can't wait!

Happy Birthday, Milt!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that I feel like my head was just annointed with oil. I don't deserve these words my friend. You are too kind. I have to say that the, "so ghetto, yet so wallflower," line is why, my friend, I love you. AND...for the record, Jenn is the funny one. My cheeks hurt from laughing at her clever clever one-liners.

    What will I do without you? You know what's cool about our friendship? How it's changed and grown. I love that you're not the person you were when I first met you. We've grown together in so many ways. I love that there is depth about you that speaks to my soul. You understand. How rare to have that and how blessed I am to have found that in you.

    I love you to pieces. God is glorified in you. Please come back here often. Me, you, coffee? And did I say often? Okay.
