August 24, 2008

"Dan vs. Wild"

We had our own little episode of Discovery Channel's "Man vs. Wild" at our house last night...better named "Dan vs. Wild." Let me start this story with a little background. A few weeks ago, our friends Donny and Robyn were having gnat problems in their house. Dan and I were at Walmart where found this genius bug zapper tennis racquet...perfect gift for our friends with the bugs! So, we picked one up, and as usual, forgot all about it. Fast-forward to last night.. .

As I was sitting on the couch, hand-addressing close to 400 Save-the-Date's for our wedding (that's another post all to itself), a lone moth appeared in the living room. Dan, bored out of his gourd, suddenly remembers the zapper racquet and retrieves it from the kitchen pantry. Why our bug zapper was in the pantry with our breakfast cereal is to be determined. He needed batteries, and decided that teaching this moth a lesson was more battery-worthy than brushing his teeth, so he removed the batteries from his electric toothbrush to do the deed. What ensued next was one of the most hilarious, first grade boyish things I have seen in a LONG time! Keep in mind, this thing zaps bugs like an original bug zapper with the noise and a spark, but in mid-air with a full swing! I will let the picture essay below tell the story...

On the hunt...

Got it, but just making sure it's really dead...

That was too much fun to stop with one moth, so he headed outside, to the porch light, duh!, to find more...

But this one is my favorite! Look at his face! He is so excited and happy!! It's the simple things...ZAP!

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