June 23, 2009

Do You Know?

First, I apologize immensely for the "blogging sabbatical"! So much has happened! So much! There are a couple of reasons for the absence. The first of which is lack of words. One of my bestie's, Milt, put it best in her recent blog "On Creating and Resistance". For us creative kind, words can be overwhelming at times. We put so much weight into each individual one, that it's hard to find the *perfect* word to describe each feeling, emotion, thought, etc. to accurately depict the story going on in our heads. And I think that's what they call good 'ol writer's block. All that to say, I've been a bit overwhelmed with all the BIG THINGS that have transpired in our lives over the past month or more, and the thought of just dedicating a few less than *perfect* words to them, makes me want to not write about them at all. That may have to do with the perfectionist in me as well, but that's a whole 'notha blog!

The second reason for my absence is that I get a little blogged-out sometimes. I think we, generally, believe our own lives are WAY more interesting than everyone else does. At times I feel like blogs are posted every time someone goes to the bathroom or gets stuck in traffic. Now, not to deem anyone's life and its happenings less than "important," I just choose to use discretion on what, in my life, is blog-worthy. That way I won't water down the really good stuff, which there IS some, and I'll post about all of that a little later!

However, today I have something that IS blog-worthy. So blog-worthy my heart is about to jump out of my chest. NO, we are NOT pregnant! (but that would DEFINITELY be blog-worthy, and I hope to write on that sooner than later!) Since I believe in Jesus, and I believe in the Holy Spirit (don't quit on me now those of you who aren't sure...this is gonna get good!), I know that recurring "heart themes", or things that contin
ue to affect my heart, are often movements of the Holy Spirit prompting something. I've had one of these lately, and it just keeps on keepin' on. It all started at the Wonder Tour a few weeks ago in Osawatomie, KS. Our friend Mandy Scholz was stopped in this small town for speeding. Her 4-year-old, London, is one of our all time favorite kids. If there ever were to be a star on the show "Kid's Say the Darndest Things," this is your gal! Anyway, as the policeman was questioning Mandy about her lack of knowledge of the speed limit, little Londey-poo was in the back seat shouting, "Mommy! Does that policeman know Jesus!??????" She was dying to know, and they just might have gotten out of a ticket because of her preciousness. Later that night, London was sitting on my lap in a large group of HS students, listening to the run-down for the week ahead. She pointed to a boy sitting next to me, leaned to my ear and whispered, "Does that boy know Jesus?" I just couldn't believe that this 4-year-old was so concerned with whether or not everyone around her knew Jesus like she did, and was willing to ask, and even shout it out! They just happened to all be boys she wasn't sure about, but again, that's a whole 'notha blog! ; ) KIDDING! Conviction delivered through a 4-year-old...priceless.

Fast forward to this past Sunday. The sermon series at Victory Church (or as I like to call it, "Bomb Church" because it's the most bomb church ever!!) has been "What If" for the past four weeks. This past Sunday, it was "What If We Loved the Lost"? Now, I've never really been a fan of the word "lost" when referring to non-believers for a few personal reasons. I would rather say "those who don't know yet." This video by the magician Penn Jillette, from Penn & Teller, says it all to me. Penn is an atheist, as he will tell you in this video, but you can TOTALLY see the work of the Holy Spirit in his heart here. All because ONE MAN cared for "those who don't know yet." Those of us who DO believe, this should convict us and feel like a bit of a cane beating at best. If not, you might check your pulse. Check it out...

I'll just close with these two thoughts.
  1. If you profess to believe that Jesus Christ did in fact hang on a cross and die for our sins, so that we can spend eternity in heaven, and that all others will spend eternity in hell...HOW MUCH DO YOU HAVE TO HATE SOMEONE TO NOT SHARE THAT WITH THEM? Would you not push them out of the way if they were standing in the middle of the street and a bus was about to hit them?? When do we stop being like London, and letting the first question out of our mouths when we meet a stranger be, "Do they know Jesus?" if we truly believe they will spend eternity in hell if they don't? If we believe that we, as believers, hold the secret to everlasting life, why do we KEEP it a secret? I challenge you to think about those questions, as I have been for weeks, and then make a bold, important statement to the world. Don't be quiet anymore.
  2. If asked the question, "Do you know Jesus?" you would have to answer "No," I want to share with you the love that brought me out of a life of perpetual lies, deceit, addiction, immorality and loneliness. Jesus Christ died on a the cross for my sins, and for yours, so that we never have to think about those things again. I am made completely new...every single day. Because I know Him, I never have to be ashamed again, and I will get to spend eternity with someone who loved me more than ever imaginable. I want you to know Him too. My hurt aches for you to know Him. Please contact me through this blog, or click here, or call 1-888-NEED HIM if you want to know more, and I pray that you will!
I will not be quiet anymore!